
Module to manage command-line arguments.


Simple usage:

int main ( istring[] cl_args )
    // Create an object to parse command-line arguments
    auto args = new Arguments;

    // Setup what arguments are valid
    // (these can be configured in various ways as will be demonstrated
    // later in the documentation)

    // Parse the actual command-line arguments given to the application
    // (the first element is the application name, so that should not be
    // passed to the 'parse()' function)
    auto args_ok = args.parse(cl_args[1 .. $]);

    if ( args_ok )
        // Proceed with rest of the application
        // Discover what caused the error and handle appropriately





class Arguments

The main arguments container class.

Detailed Description

For the sake of brevity, the rest of this documentation will not show the 'main()' function or the creation of the 'args' object. Also, setting up of arguments will be shown only where necessary. Moreover, the 'args.parse()' function will be called with a custom string representing the command-line arguments. This is as shown in the following example:

args.parse("--alpha --bravo");

if ( args("alpha").set )
    // This will be reached as '--alpha' was given

if ( args("bravo").set )
    // This will be reached as '--bravo' was given

if ( args("charlie").set )
    // This will *not* be reached as '--charlie' was not given


When arguments are being set up, normally all arguments that an application supports are explicitly declared and suitably configured. But sometimes, it may be desirable to use on-the-fly arguments that are not set up but discovered during parsing. Such arguments are called 'sloppy arguments'. Support for sloppy arguments is disabled by default, but can be enabled when calling the 'parse()' function, as shown below:


args.parse("--alpha --bravo");
    // This will result in an error because only 'alpha' was declared,
    // but not 'bravo'.

args.parse("--alpha --bravo", true);
    // This, on the other hand would work. Space for 'bravo' (and
    // potentially any of its parameters) would be allocated when
    // 'bravo' gets discovered during parsing.


Arguments can be configured to have aliases. This is a convenient way to represent arguments with long names. Aliases are always exactly one character long. An argument can have multiple aliases. Aliases are always given on the command-line using the short prefix.

args("help").aliased('?').aliased('h'); // multiple aliases allowed

args.parse("-a -?");


Arguments can be configured to be mandatorily present, by calling the 'required()' function as follows:


    // This will fail because the required argument 'alpha' was not
    // given.


An argument can be configured to depend upon another, by calling the 'requires()' function as follows:


    // This will fail because 'bravo' needs 'alpha', but 'alpha' was not
    // given.

args.parse("--alpha --bravo");
    // This, on the other hand, will succeed.


An argument can be configured to conflict with another, by calling the 'conflicts()' function as follows:


args.parse("--alpha --bravo");
    // This will fail because 'bravo' conflicts with 'alpha', so both of
    // them can't be present together.


By default arguments don't have any associated parameters. When setting up arguments, they can be configured to have zero or more associated parameters. Parameters assigned to an argument can be accessed using that argument's 'assigned[]' array at consecutive indices. The number of parameters assigned to an argument must exactly match the number of parameters it has been set up to have, or else parsing will fail. Dealing with parameters is shown in the following example:

    // Doing `params(0)` is redundant
    // 'charlie' must have exactly one associated parameter

args.parse("--alpha --bravo --charlie=chaplin");
    // the parameter assigned to 'charlie' (i.e. 'chaplin') can be
    // accessed using `args("charlie").assigned[0]`


Parameter assignment can be either explicit or implicit. Explicit assignment is done using an assignment symbol (defaults to '=', can be changed), whereas implicit assignment happens when a parameter is found after a whitespace. Implicit assignment always happens to the last known argument target, such that multiple parameters accumulate (until the configured parameters count for that argument is reached). Any extra parameters encountered after that are assigned to a special 'null' argument. The 'null' argument is always defined and acts as an accumulator for parameters left uncaptured by other arguments.

Please note: * if sloppy arguments are supported, and if a sloppy argument happens to be the last known argument target, then implicit assignment of any extra parameters will happen to that sloppy argument. [example 2 below]

* explicit assignment to an argument always associates the parameter with that argument even if that argument's parameters count has been reached. In this case, 'parse()' will fail. [example 3 below]


// Example 1
args.parse("--alpha=one --alpha=two three four");
    // In this case, 'alpha' would have 3 parameters assigned to it (so
    // its 'assigned' array would be `["one", "two", "three"]`), and the
    // null argument would have 1 parameter (with its 'assigned' array
    // being `["four"]`).
    // Here's why:
    // Two of these parameters ('one' & 'two') were assigned explicitly.
    // The next parameter ('three') was assigned implicitly since
    // 'alpha' was the last known argument target. At this point,
    // alpha's parameters count is reached, so no more implicit
    // assignment will happen to 'alpha'.
    // So the last parameter ('four') is assigned to the special 'null'
    // argument.

// Example 2
// (sloppy arguments supported by passing 'true' as the second parameter
// to 'parse()')
args.parse("--alpha one two three four --xray five six", true);
    // In this case, 'alpha' would get its 3 parameters ('one', 'two' &
    // 'three') by way of implicit assignment.
    // Parameter 'four' would be assigned to the 'null' argument (since
    // implicit assignment to the last known argument target 'alpha' is
    // not possible as alpha's parameter count has been reached).
    // The sloppy argument 'xray' now becomes the new last known
    // argument target and hence gets the last two parameters ('five' &
    // 'six').

// Example 3
args.parse("--alpha one two three --alpha=four");
    // As before, 'alpha' would get its 3 parameters ('one', 'two' &
    // 'three') by way of implicit assignment.
    // Since 'four' is being explicitly assigned to 'alpha', parsing
    // will fail here as 'alpha' has been configured to have at most 3
    // parameters.


An argument can be configured to have one or more default parameters. This means that if the argument was not given on the command-line, it would still contain the configured parameter(s). It is, of course, possible to have no default parameters configured. But if one or more default parameters have been configured, then their number must exactly match the number of parameters configured.

Please note: * Irrespective of whether default parameters have been configured or not, if an argument was not given on the command-line, its 'set()' function would return 'false'. [example 1 below]

* Irrespective of whether default parameters have been configured or not, if an argument is given on the command-line, it must honour its configured number of parameters. [example 2 below]


// Example 1
    // 'alpha' was not given, so `args("alpha").set` would return false
    // but still `args("alpha").assigned[0]` would contain 'one'

// Example 2
    // this will fail because 'alpha' expects a parameter and that was
    // not given. In this case, the configured default parameter will
    // *not* be picked up.


Parameters of an argument can be restricted to a pre-defined set of acceptable values. In this case, argument parsing will fail on an attempt to assign a value from outside the set:

args("greeting").restrict(["hello", "namaste", "ahoj", "hola"]);
args("enabled").restrict(["true", "false", "t", "f", "y", "n"]);

    // This will fail since 'bye' is not among the acceptable values


The parser makes a distinction between long prefix arguments and short prefix arguments. Long prefix arguments start with two hyphens (--argument), while short prefix arguments start with a single hyphen (-a) [the prefixes themselves are configurable, as shown in later documentation]. Within a short prefix argument, each character represents an individual argument. Long prefix arguments must always be distinct, while short prefix arguments may be combined together.

args.parse("--alpha -b");
    // The argument 'alpha' will be set.
    // The argument represented by 'b' will be set (note that 'b' here
    // could be an alias to another argument, or could be the argument
    // name itself)


When assigning parameters to an argument using the argument's short prefix version, it is possible to "smush" the parameter with the argument. Smushing refers to omitting the explicit assignment symbol ('=' by default) or whitespace (when relying on implicit assignment) that separates an argument from its parameter. The ability to smush an argument with its parameter in this manner has to be explicitly enabled using the 'smush()' function.

Please note: * smushing cannot be done with the long prefix version of an argument [example 2 below]

* smushing is irrelevant if an argument has no parameters [example 3 below]

* if an argument has more than one parameter, and smushing is desired, then the short prefix version of the argument needs to be repeated as many times as the number of parameters to be assigned (this is because one smush can only assign one parameter at a time) [example 4 below]

* smushing cannot be used if the parameter contains the explicit assignment symbol ('=' by default). In this case, either explicit or implicit assignment should be used. This limitation is due to how argv/argc values are stripped of original quotes. [example 5 below]

// Example 1
    // OK - this is equivalent to `args.parse("-a param");`

// Example 2
    // ERROR - 'param' cannot be smushed with 'bravo'

// Example 3
    // irrelevant smush as argument has no parameters

// Example 4
args.parse("-dfile1 -dfile2");
    // smushing multiple parameters requires the short prefix version of
    // the argument to be repeated. This could have been done without
    // smushing as `args.parse("-d file1 file2);`

// Example 5
    // The parameter 'foo=bar' cannot be smushed with the argument as
    // the parameter contains '=' within. Be especially careful of this
    // as the 'parse()' function will not fail in this case, but may
    // result in unexpected behaviour.
    // The proper way to assign a parameter containing the explicit
    // assignment symbol is to use one of the following:
    //     args.parse("-e='foo=bar'"); // explicit assignment
    //     args.parse("-e 'foo=bar'"); // implicit assignment


The prefixes used for the long prefix and the short prefix version of the arguments default to '--' & '-' respectively, but they are configurable. To change these, the desired prefix strings need to be passed to the constructor as shown below:

// Change short prefix to '/' & long prefix to '%'
auto args = new Arguments(null, null, null, null, "/", "%");

args.parse("%alpha=param %bravo /abc");
    // arguments 'alpha' & 'bravo' set using the long prefix version
    // arguments represented by the characters 'a', 'b' & 'c' set using
    // the short prefix version

Note that it is also possible to disable both prefixes by passing 'null' as the constructor parameters.


We noted in the documentation earlier that a parameter following a whitespace gets assigned to the last known target (implicit assignment). On the other hand, the symbol used for explicitly assigning a parameter to an argument defaults to '='. This symbol is also configurable, and can be changed by passing the desired symbol character to the constructor as shown below:

// Change the parameter assignment symbol to ':'
// (the short prefix and long prefix need to be passed as their default
// values since we're not changing them)
auto args = new Arguments(null, null, null, null, "-", "--", ':');

    // argument 'alpha' will be assigned parameter 'param' using
    // explicit assignment


All text following a "--" token are treated as parameters (even if they start with the long prefix or the short prefix). This notion is applied by unix systems to terminate argument processing in a similar manner.

These parameters are always assigned to the special 'null' argument.


args.parse("--alpha one -- -two --three");
    // 'alpha' gets one parameter ('one')
    // the null argument gets two parameters ('-two' & '--three')
    // note how 'two' & 'three' are prefixed by the short and long
    // prefixes respectively, but the prefixes don't play any part as
    // these are just parameters now


When configuring the command-line arguments, qualifiers can be chained together as shown in the following example:



The full help message for the application (which includes the configured usage, long & short descriptions as well as the help text of each of the arguments) can be displayed using the 'displayHelp()' function as follows:

auto args = new Arguments(
    "{0} : this is a short description",
    "this is the usage string",
    "this is a long description on how to make '{0}' work");

    .help("help for alpha");
    .help("help for bravo");


Doing this, would produce the following help message:

my_app : this is a short description

Usage: this is the usage string

this is a long description on how to make 'my_app' work

Program options: -a, --alpha help for alpha (1-3 params) -b, --bravo help for bravo (1 param, default: val)


The 'parse()' function will return true only where all conditions are met. If an error occurs, the parser will set an error code and return false.

The error codes (which indicate the nature of the error) are as follows:

None : ok (no error) ParamLo : too few parameters were assigned to this argument ParamHi : too many parameters were assigned to this argument Required : this is a required argument, but was not given Requires : this argument depends on another argument which was not given Conflict : this argument conflicts with another given argument Extra : unexpected argument (will not trigger an error if sloppy arguments are enabled) Option : parameter assigned is not one of the acceptable options

A simple way to handle errors is to invoke an internal format routine, which constructs error messages on your behalf. The messages are constructed using a layout handler and the messages themselves may be customized (for i18n purposes). See the two 'errors()' methods for more information on this. The following example shows this way of handling errors:

if ( ! args.parse (...) )

Another way of handling argument parsing errors, is to traverse the set of arguments, to find out exactly which argument has the error, and what is the error code. This is as shown in the following example:

if ( ! args.parse (...) )
    foreach ( arg; args )
        if ( arg.error )
            // 'arg.error' contains one of the above error-codes



The following two types of callbacks are supported: - a callback called when an argument is parsed - a callback called whenever a parameter gets assigned to an argument (see the 'bind()' methods for the signatures of these delegates).




Tango Dual License: 3-Clause BSD License / Academic Free License v3.0. See LICENSE_TANGO.txt for details.