Support for operator ~= for appending elements and concatenating chunks
Concatenates chunks and appends them to the content, extending the content where required.
Cuts the last n elements from the current content. If n is greater than the current content length, all elements in the content are cut.
Cuts the last element from the current content.
Cuts the last n elements from the current content. If n is greater than the current content length, all elements in the content are cut.
Sets all elements in data to the initial value of the element type. data.length is guaranteed to be dividable by the element size.
Increases the content length by n elements.
Appends element to the content, extending content where required.
Appends chunk to the content, extending content where required.
Returns the i-th element in content.
Sets the i-th element in content.
Returns content[start .. end]. start must be at most end and end must be at most the current content length.
Sets all elements in the current content to element.
Copies chunk to the content, setting the content length to chunk.length.
Copies chunk to the content, setting the content length to chunk.length.
Copies chunk to content[start .. end]. chunk.length must be end - start and end must be at most the current content length.
Returns content[start .. length].
AppendBuffer class template