
Calls the provided delegate, store(), to store the queue state and contents.

The caller may concatenate the contents of the three buffers because - it is safe to assume that load() will use the same meta.length and - load() expects to receive the head ~ tail data.

  1. size_t save(OutputStream output)
  2. void save(void delegate(in void[] meta, in void[] head, in void[] tail = null) store)
    class FlexibleByteRingQueue
    scope void delegate
    in void[] meta
    in void[] head
    in void[] tail = null


store void delegate
in void[] meta
in void[] head
in void[] tail = null

output delegate


auto queue = new FlexibleRingQueue(/+ ... +/);

// Populate the queue...

void[] queue_save_data;

// Save the populated queue in queue_save_data.

queue.save(void[] meta, void[] head, void[] tail)
    queue_save_data = meta ~ head ~ tail;

// Restore queue from queue_save_data.

queue.load(void[] meta, void[] data)
    // It is safe to assume meta.length is the same as in the
    // queue.save() callback delegate.
    meta[] = queue_save_data[0 .. meta.length];

    void[] queue_load_data = queue_save_data[meta.length .. $];
    data[] = queue_load_data[];
    return queue_load_data.length;

This method can also be called to poll the amount of space required for storing the current queue content, which is meta.length + head.length + tail.length.

The data produced by this method is accepted by the load() method of any queue where queue.length >= head.length + tail.length.
