
Module contains utility functions to convert floats to integer types. Old conversion functions eg. ocean.math.Math.rndint or ocean.math.Math.rndlong currently round x.5 to the nearest even integer. So rndint(4.5) == 4 and rndint(5.5) == 6. This is undesired behaviour for some situations, so the functions in this module round to the nearest integer. So floatToInt(4.5, output) sets output == 5 and floatToInt(5.5, output) sets output == 6 (this is round to nearest integer away from zero rounding see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man3/lround.3.html for details on the stdc lround, lroundf, llround, and llroundf functions).

To check for errors the functions feclearexcept and fetestexcept are used. The feclearexcept(FE_ALL_EXCEPT) method is called before calling the mathematical function and after the mathematical function has been called the fetestexcept method is called to check for errors that occured in the mathematical function (for more details in these functions see http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/math_error.7.html$(RPAREN).



bool roundToInt(T input, int output)

Rounds a float, double, or real value to the nearest (away from zero) int value using lroundf.

bool roundToLong(T input, long output)

Rounds a float, double, or real value to the nearest (away from zero) long value using llroundf.



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