
Defines the fundamental task abstraction.

Tasks are responsible for: - defining the actual function to execute as a task - defining suspend/resume semantics on top of the core Fiber semantics

The TaskWith class, derived from Task, provides the facility of tasks with customised suspend/resume semantics, as specified by one of more extensions.



class Task

Minimal usable Task class.

class TaskKillException

Exception class that indicates that current task must be terminated. It can be used to forcefully kill the task while still properly cleaning current stack frame.

class TaskWith(Extensions...)

Task descendant which supports extensions that alter the semantics of suspending and resuming the task. An arbitrary number of extensions may be specified (see Params).

class WorkerFiber

Fiber sub-class used by the scheduler to run tasks in. In addition to the functionality of the base fiber, it also: 1. stores a reference to the task currently being executed 2. can be stored in an object pool



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