
Timer for measuring small intervals, such as the duration of a subroutine or other reasonably small period.

StopWatch elapsed;


// do something
// ...

double i = elapsed.stop;
ulong us = elapsed.microsec;

The measured interval is either an integer value in units of microseconds -- returned by microsec -- or a floating-point value in units of seconds with fractions -- returned by stop. The integer value has always a precision of 1µs and is recommended if you want to compare it with reference values such as checking if it's below or above 1ms (e.g. elapsed.microsec <= 1000). Although floating-point representation seems often more convenient, bear in mind that - The precision is relative to the value (i.e. the greater the values the lower the absolute precision). - Comparing fractions can yield unexpected results due to rounding and because decimal fractions have no exact binary floating-point representation. To avoid surprises like this using the integer represenation of time spans is in general recommended.

There is some minor overhead in using StopWatch, so take that into account



ulong microsec()

Return elapsed time since the last start() as microseconds

double sec()

Return elapsed duration (in seconds) since start()

void start()

Start the timer
