
Constructor. Saves the current time as the program start time.


app_name cstring

name of the application

app_version cstring

version of the application

app_build_date cstring

date the application was built

app_build_author cstring

who built the current build

size uint

number of loglines that are to be displayed below the title line

ms_between_calls ulong

expected milliseconds between calls to getCpuUsage (defaults to 1000ms)

stream OutputStream

stream to write the streaming output into. Can be null if it's not yet available (the streaming output will then be disabled).

terminal_output TerminalOutput

terminal to write the static output into. Can be null if it's not yet available (the static output will then be disabled).

heading_line_components HeadingLineComponents

components to show on the heading line

terminal_columns int

width of the terminal to assume. If zero, main terminal will be queried. Passing 0 will take the width from the current terminal (which must be present, otherwise no output will happen).
