Constructor. Initialises (but does not register) the timer fd.
Returs: the epoll events to register for.
Required by ISelectable interface.
Handles events which occurred for the timer event fd. Resumes the fiber.
Sets the timer to a number of seconds and milliseconds approximating the floating point value specified, registers it, and suspends the fiber until it fires.
Sets the timer to the specified number of seconds and milliseconds, registers it, and suspends the fiber until it fires. If both seconds and milliseconds are 0, the fiber is not suspended and the event is not registered with epoll -- no pause occurs.
Type alias for subclass constructors
Fiber instance
Flag set to true when the error_() method is called due to an I/O error event. The flag is always reset in the finalize() method.
Finalize method, called after this instance has been unregistered from the Dispatcher; kills the fiber and calls the super-class' finalize() method (which calls a finalizer delegate, if one has been set).
Error reporting method, called when either an Exception is caught from handle() or an error event is reported; kills the fiber.
Timeout method, called after this a timeout has occurred in the SelectDispatcher; kills the fiber.
Fiber-suspending timer event. Allows a fiber to be suspended for a fixed time period.