Searches the tree for the element with the given key and returns its value if found.
Searches the tree for the element with the given key and returns pointer to it's value, or null if not found.
Constructor-like method (as a workaround of a fact that D1 doesn't provide struct constructors).
Visits the tree in the inorder order.
Visits the tree in the inorder order.
Inserts the element in the tree.
Removes the element with the given key from the BTreeMap.
Node of the tree. Contains at most (degree * 2 - 1) elements and (degree * 2) subtrees.
Memory manager used for allocating and deallocating memory. Refer to ocean.util.container.mem.MemManager for potential options.
"version" of the tree's state. Will be incremented on any removal/adding the element. On the iteration's start, range will record the current "version" of the tree, and, and before proceeding with the iteration, it will check if any changes were performed on the tree, to prevent iteration over an undefined region.
Root of the tree.
Internal (non-user facing) implementation of BTreeMap.