
Cache with an element expiration facility.

Extends the Cache by providing a settable lifetime and automatically removing elements where the difference between the current time and the createtime is greater than that lifetime value.

The cache can be configured to apply different lifetimes to empty and non-empty values (where a cached record with array length 0 is considered "empty"). See constructor arguments.



class ExpiringCache(size_t ValueSize = 0)

Data cache class template with element life time limitation. Stores items of raw data, either of fixed or dynamic size. When the life time of an item, which is the difference between its creation time and the current wall clock time, has expired, it is removed automatically on the next getRaw()/exists() access.


int getpid()
Undocumented in source but is binding to C. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.



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