Construct a digest
Length padding size
Complete the digest
Digest block size
Constructs the digest
Final processing of digest.
Performs the length padding
Pads the digest data
Initialize the digest
Performs the digest on a block of data
Digest additional data
Converts 8 bit to 32 bit Big Endian
Converts 8 bit to 64 bit Big Endian
Converts 8 bit to 32 bit Little Endian
Converts 8 bit to 64 bit Little Endian
Rotate left by n
Extending MerkleDamgard to create a custom hash function requires the implementation of a number of abstract methods. These include:
In addition there exist two further abstract methods; these methods have empty default implementations since in some cases they are not required$(CLN)
The method padLength() is required to implement the SHA series of Hash functions and also the Tiger algorithm. Method extend() is required only to implement the MD2 digest.
The basic sequence of internal events is as follows: