1 /*******************************************************************************
3         Copyright:
4             Copyright (c) 2008. Fawzi Mohamed
5             Some parts copyright (c) 2009-2016 dunnhumby Germany GmbH.
6             All rights reserved.
8         License:
9             Tango Dual License: 3-Clause BSD License / Academic Free License v3.0.
10             See LICENSE_TANGO.txt for details.
12         Version: Initial release: July 2008
14         Authors: Fawzi Mohamed
16 *******************************************************************************/
17 module ocean.math.random.engines.CMWC;
18 import ocean.meta.types.Qualifiers;
19 import ocean.core.TypeConvert: assumeUnique;
20 import Integer=ocean.text.convert.Integer_tango;
21 import ocean.core.Verify;
23 /+ CMWC a random number generator,
24 + Marisaglia, Journal of Modern Applied Statistical Methods (2003), vol.2,No.1,p 2-13
25 + a simple and fast RNG that passes all statistical tests, has a large seed, and is very fast
26 + By default ComplimentaryMultiplyWithCarry with r=1024, a=987769338, b=2^32-1, period a*b^r>10^9873
27 + This is the engine, *never* use it directly, always use it though a RandomG class
28 +/
29 struct CMWC(uint cmwc_r=1024U,ulong cmwc_a=987769338UL){
30     uint[cmwc_r] cmwc_q=void;
31     uint cmwc_i=cmwc_r-1u;
32     uint cmwc_c=123;
33     uint nBytes = 0;
34     uint restB  = 0;
36     enum int canCheckpoint=true;
37     enum int canSeed=true;
39     void skip(uint n){
40         for (int i=n;i!=n;--i){
41             next;
42         }
43     }
44     ubyte nextB(){
45         if (nBytes>0) {
46             ubyte res=cast(ubyte)(restB & 0xFF);
47             restB >>= 8;
48             --nBytes;
49             return res;
50         } else {
51             restB=next;
52             ubyte res=cast(ubyte)(restB & 0xFF);
53             restB >>= 8;
54             nBytes=3;
55             return res;
56         }
57     }
58     uint next(){
59         enum uint rMask=cmwc_r-1u;
60         static assert((rMask&cmwc_r)==0,"cmwc_r is supposed to be a power of 2"); // put a more stringent test?
61         enum uint m=0xFFFF_FFFE;
62         cmwc_i=(cmwc_i+1)&rMask;
63         ulong t=cmwc_a*cmwc_q[cmwc_i]+cmwc_c;
64         cmwc_c=cast(uint)(t>>32);
65         uint x=cast(uint)t+cmwc_c;
66         if (x<cmwc_c) {
67             ++x; ++cmwc_c;
68         }
69         return (cmwc_q[cmwc_i]=m-x);
70     }
72     ulong nextL(){
73         return ((cast(ulong)next)<<32)+cast(ulong)next;
74     }
76     void seed(scope uint delegate() rSeed){
77         cmwc_i=cmwc_r-1u; // randomize also this?
78         for (int ii=0;ii<10;++ii){
79             for (uint i=0;i<cmwc_r;++i){
80                 cmwc_q[i]=rSeed();
81             }
82             uint nV=rSeed();
83             uint to=(uint.max/cmwc_a)*cmwc_a;
84             for (int i=0;i<10;++i){
85                 if (nV<to) break;
86                 nV=rSeed();
87             }
88             cmwc_c=cast(uint)(nV%cmwc_a);
89             nBytes = 0;
90             restB=0;
91             if (cmwc_c==0){
92                 for (uint i=0;i<cmwc_r;++i)
93                     if (cmwc_q[i]!=0) return;
94             } else if (cmwc_c==cmwc_a-1){
95                 for (uint i=0;i<cmwc_r;++i)
96                     if (cmwc_q[i]!=0xFFFF_FFFF) return;
97             } else return;
98         }
99         cmwc_c=1;
100     }
101     /// writes the current status in a string
102     istring toString(){
103         char[] res=new char[4+16+(cmwc_r+5)*9];
104         int i=0;
105         res[i..i+4]="CMWC";
106         i+=4;
107         Integer.format(res[i..i+16],cmwc_a,"x16");
108         i+=16;
109         res[i]='_';
110         ++i;
111         Integer.format(res[i..i+8],cmwc_r,"x8");
112         i+=8;
113         foreach (val;cmwc_q){
114             res[i]='_';
115             ++i;
116             Integer.format(res[i..i+8],val,"x8");
117             i+=8;
118         }
119         foreach (val;[cmwc_i,cmwc_c,nBytes,restB]){
120             res[i]='_';
121             ++i;
122             Integer.format(res[i..i+8],val,"x8");
123             i+=8;
124         }
125         verify(i==res.length,"unexpected size");
126         return assumeUnique(res);
127     }
128     /// reads the current status from a string (that should have been trimmed)
129     /// returns the number of chars read
130     size_t fromString(cstring s){
131         char[16] tmpC;
132         size_t i=0;
133         verify(s[i..i+4]=="CMWC","unexpected kind, expected CMWC");
134         i+=4;
135         verify(s[i..i+16]==Integer.format(tmpC,cmwc_a,"x16"),"unexpected cmwc_a");
136         i+=16;
137         verify(s[i]=='_',"unexpected format, expected _");
138         i++;
139         verify(s[i..i+8]==Integer.format(tmpC,cmwc_r,"x8"),"unexpected cmwc_r");
140         i+=8;
141         foreach (ref val;cmwc_q){
142             verify(s[i]=='_',"no separator _ found");
143             ++i;
144             uint ate;
145             val=cast(uint)Integer.convert(s[i..i+8],16,&ate);
146             verify(ate==8,"unexpected read size");
147             i+=8;
148         }
149         foreach (val;[&cmwc_i,&cmwc_c,&nBytes,&restB]){
150             verify(s[i]=='_',"no separator _ found");
151             ++i;
152             uint ate;
153             *val=cast(uint)Integer.convert(s[i..i+8],16,&ate);
154             verify(ate==8,"unexpected read size");
155             i+=8;
156         }
157         return i;
158     }
159 }
161 /// some variations, the first has a period of ~10^39461, the first number (r) is basically the size of the seed
162 /// (and all bit patterns of that size are guarenteed to crop up in the period), the period is 2^(32*r)*a
163 alias CMWC!(4096U,18782UL)     CMWC_4096_1;
164 alias CMWC!(2048U,1030770UL)   CMWC_2048_1;
165 alias CMWC!(2048U,1047570UL)   CMWC_2048_2;
166 alias CMWC!(1024U,5555698UL)   CMWC_1024_1;
167 alias CMWC!(1024U,987769338UL) CMWC_1024_2;
168 alias CMWC!(512U,123462658UL)  CMWC_512_1;
169 alias CMWC!(512U,123484214UL)  CMWC_512_2;
170 alias CMWC!(256U,987662290UL)  CMWC_256_1;
171 alias CMWC!(256U,987665442UL)  CMWC_256_2;
172 alias CMWC!(128U,987688302UL)  CMWC_128_1;
173 alias CMWC!(128U,987689614UL)  CMWC_128_2;
174 alias CMWC!(64U ,987651206UL)  CMWC_64_1;
175 alias CMWC!(64U ,987657110UL)  CMWC_64_2;
176 alias CMWC!(32U ,987655670UL)  CMWC_32_1;
177 alias CMWC!(32U ,987655878UL)  CMWC_32_2;
178 alias CMWC!(16U ,987651178UL)  CMWC_16_1;
179 alias CMWC!(16U ,987651182UL)  CMWC_16_2;
180 alias CMWC!(8U  ,987651386UL)  CMWC_8_1;
181 alias CMWC!(8U  ,987651670UL)  CMWC_8_2;
182 alias CMWC!(4U  ,987654366UL)  CMWC_4_1;
183 alias CMWC!(4U  ,987654978UL)  CMWC_4_2;
184 alias CMWC_1024_2 CMWC_default;