Constructs a new BufferedDirectWriteFile.
Constructs a new BufferedDirectWriteFile allocating a new buffer.
File to do direct IO writes.
Close the underlying file, but calling flushWithPadding() and sync() first.
Return the host conduit.
Write the current buffer rounding to the block size (and setting the padding bytes to padding_byte).
Instantiates the file object to be used to write to. This method may be overridden by derived classes, allowing different types of file to be used with this class.
Open a BufferedDirectWriteFile file.
Return the upstream sink.
Instructs the OS to flush it's internal buffers to the disk device.
Write to stream from a source array. The provided src content will be written to the stream.
Mixin for common functionality.
Block size.
Internal buffer (the size needs to be multiple of the block size).
Internal pointer to the next byte of the buffer that is free.
Construct the buffer using an existing buffer.
Construct the buffer with a specified size.
Return true if the pointer is aligned to the block size.
Throws an IOException because is not implemented.
Throws an IOException because is not implemented.
Throws IOException because is not implemented.
Write to stream from a source array. The provided src content will be written to the stream.
Transfer the content of another stream to this one. Returns a reference to this class, and throws IOException on failure.
Return the upstream sink.
Buffered file to do direct I/O writes.
Please read the module documentation for details.