Constructor. Creates a custom event and hooks it up to the provided event handler.
Returs: the epoll events to register for.
Required by ISelectable interface.
Called from the select dispatcher when the event fires. Calls the abstract handle_() method.
Called from handle() when the event fires.
Triggers the event.
Sets the Finalizer. May be set to null to disable finalizing.
Sets the TimeoutReporter. May be set to null to disable timeout reporting.
Sets the Error Reporter. May be set to null to disable error reporting.
Finalize method, called after this instance has been unregistered from the Dispatcher.
Error reporting method, called when an Exception is caught from super.handle().
Timeout method, called after this a timeout has occurred in the SelectDispatcher.
CountingSelectEvent class -- counts and reports the number of times the trigger() method was called preivous to the event being fired in epoll and the class' handle() method being invoked.