
Reads data from the input conduit, appends it to the data buffer and invokes consume with the data that is currently available and hasn't yet been consumed. If consume feels that the amount of data passed to it is sufficient, it must return the number of bytes it consumed. Otherwise if consume consumed all the data and still needs more input data to be read from the I/O device, it must return a value greater than length of the the data passed to it. The fiber is then suspended to wait for more data to be available from the input device, and consume is invoked again with the newly available data.

class FiberSelectReader


consume Consumer

consumer callback delegate

Return Value

Type: typeof(this)

this instance


IOException if no data was received and none will arrive later: - IOWarning on end-of-flow condition or if the remote hung up, - IOError (IOWarning subclass) on an I/O error.
