
Submits one or more values, identified by Identifier to the daemon which will dispatch it to all its write-plugins

class Collectd


id Identifier

Uniquely identifies what value is being collected. Note the type must be defined in types.db.

data T

A struct containing only numeric types. Values can either be an integer if the data-source is a counter, or a double if the data-source is of type "gauge". NaN and infinity are translated to undefined values ('U'). The current UNIX time is submitted along.

options PutvalOptions

The options list is an optional parameter, where each option is sent as a key-value-pair. See PutvalOptions's documentation for a list of all currently recognized options, however be aware that an outdated Collectd which doesn't support all the options will silently ignore them.


ErrnoException if writing to the socket produced an error, or CollectdException if an error happened while communicating (Collectd returns an error, the internal buffer wasn't empty (which means the caller haven't fully processed the last query), or we get unexpected / inconsistent data), or if more than 10 millions records where found
