Constructor. Creates the internal signal event, handling the specified signals. The event (accessible via the event() method) must be registered with epoll.
atExit IApplicationExtension method.
Ignores the signals.
Unused IApplicationExtension methods.
Extension order. This extension uses -2_000 because it should be called before the LogExt and StatsExt.
Unused IApplicationExtension methods.
Unused IApplicationExtension methods.
Adds the specified signal to the set of signals handled by this extension.
ISelectClient getter, for registering with epoll.
Adds a list of extensions (this.extensions) and methods to handle them. See ExtensibleClassMixin documentation for details.
Alias of IApplication, for use by implementing classes without needing to import
Function executed before the program runs.
Function executed after the program runs.
Function executed at program exit.
Function executed if (and only if) an ExitException was thrown.