Extension order. This extension uses 100_000 because it should be called very late.
Add the default logger if default_logging is true.
Unused IApplicationExtension methods.
Unused ILogExtExtension methods.
Print the version information to the log if the ConfigExt and LogExt are present.
Checks whether the --version flag is present and, if it is, prints the app version and exits without further arguments validation.
Adds the command line option --version.
Registers this extension with the unix socket extension and activates the handling of the specified unix socket command, which will print the application version (as shown by --version) to the socket when called.
Unused IArgumentsExtension methods.
Default name of the file to log when using the default logger.
True if a default logger for the version should be added.
Version information.
Logger to use to log the version information.
Alias of IApplication, for use by implementing classes without needing to import
Function executed before the program runs.
Function executed after the program runs.
Function executed at program exit.
Function executed if (and only if) an ExitException was thrown.
Function executed when command line arguments are set up (before parsing).
Function executed after parsing of command line args (whether the basic parsing failed or succeeded) but before the call to validateArgs().
Function executed after parsing the command line arguments.
Function executed after (successfully) validating the command line arguments.
Function executed before the loggers are configured.
Function executed after the loggers are configured.
Application extension to log or output the version information.
This extension is an ArgumentsExt and a LogExt extension, being optional for both (but makes no sense unless it's registered at least as one of them).
If it's registered as an ArgumentsExt, it adds the option --version to print the version information and exit. (Note that the actual handling of the --version command line option is performed by ArgumentsExt.)
If it's registered as a LogExt, it will log the version information using the logger with the name of this module.