
Invokes dg with the key and, unless V is 'void', the value of element.

Do not modify the key in-place.

If K or V (or both) are a static array, a dynamic array slice is passed to dg. Do not do a 'ref' iteration over static array keys or values. To obtain a pointer to the static array key or value currently iterating over, use the .ptr of the iteration variable.

  1. int iterate(Dg dg, Element element)
    template MapIterator(V, K = hash_t)
  2. int iterate(Dgi dg, size_t i, Element element)


dg Dg

iteration delegate

element Element

bucket element

Return Value

Type: int

passes through the return type of dg.


Consider a map that stores char[5] values with hash_t keys.

foreach (ref key, val; map)
    // typeof(key) is hash_t. A pointer to the key can be obtained
    // using &key.

    // typeof(val) is char[], val is a dynamic array slice
    // referencing the value in the map. A pointer to the value can
    // be obtained using val.ptr.
