1 /*******************************************************************************
3     Contains methods that collect stats from primitive data members of structs
4     or classes to respond to Prometheus queries with.
6     The metric designs specified by Prometheus
7     (`https://prometheus.io/docs/concepts/metric_types/`) have not been
8     implemented yet. So, as of now, this collector can process only primitive
9     data-type members from a struct or a class. However, the current Prometheus
10     stat collection framework could be enhanced to support metrics with a very
11     little effort.
13     In Prometheus' data model, the stats that are measured are called Metrics,
14     and the dimensions along which stats are measured are called Labels.
16     Metrics can be any measurable value, e.g., CPU or memory consumption.
18     Labels resemble key-value pairs, where the key is referred to as a label's
19     name, and the value as a label's value. A label name would refer to the name
20     of a dimension across which we want to measure stats. Correspondingly, a
21     label value would refer to a point along the said dimension. A stat can have
22     more than one label, if it is intended to be measured across multiple
23     dimensions.
25     Stats with labels look like the following example
26     `
27     promhttp_metric_handler_requests_total{code="200"} 3
28     promhttp_metric_handler_requests_total{code="500"} 0
29     promhttp_metric_handler_requests_total{code="503"} 0
30     `
31     Here `promhttp_metric_handler_requests_total` is the metric, `code` is
32     the label name, `"200"`, `"500"` and `"503"` are the label values, and `3`,
33     `0` and `0` are the respective metric values.
35     On the data visualization side of Prometheus, fetching stats using queries
36     is analogous to calling functions. A metric name is analogous to a function
37     name, and a label is analogous to a function parameter. Continuing with the
38     above example, the following query will return `3`:
39     `
40     promhttp_metric_handler_requests_total {code="200"}
41     `
43     (For detailed information about Prometheus-specific terminology, e.g.,
44     Metrics and Labels, please refer to
45     `https://prometheus.io/docs/concepts/data_model/#metric-names-and-labels`.)
47     This module contains a class which can be used to collect metrics as well as
48     labels from composite-type values, and format them in a way acceptable for
49     Prometheus.
51     Copyright:
52         Copyright (c) 2019 dunnhumby Germany GmbH.
53         All rights reserved
55     License:
56         Boost Software License Version 1.0. See LICENSE.txt for details.
58 *******************************************************************************/
60 module ocean.util.prometheus.collector.Collector;
62 /*******************************************************************************
64     This class provides methods to collect metrics with no label, one label, or
65     multiple labels, using overloaded definitions of the `collect` method.
67     Once the desired stats have been collected, the accumulated response
68     string can be collected using the `getCollection` method.
70     Additionally, the `reset` method can be used to reset stat
71     collection, when the desired stats have been collected from a Collector
72     instance.
74 *******************************************************************************/
76 public class Collector
77 {
78     import core.stdc.time;
79     import ocean.math.IEEE;
80     import ocean.text.convert.Formatter;
81     import ocean.meta.types.Qualifiers;
82     import StatFormatter = ocean.util.prometheus.collector.StatFormatter;
84     /// A buffer used for storing collected stats. Is cleared when the `reset`
85     /// method is called.
86     private mstring collect_buf;
88     /***************************************************************************
90         Returns:
91             The stats collected since the last call to the `reset` method, in a
92             textual respresentation that can be readily added to a response
93             message body.
94             The specifications of the format of the collected stats can be found
95             at `https://prometheus.io/docs/instrumenting/exposition_formats/`.
97     ***************************************************************************/
99     public cstring getCollection ( )
100     {
101         return this.collect_buf;
102     }
104     /// Reset the length of the stat collection buffer to 0.
105     public void reset ( )
106     {
107         this.collect_buf.length = 0;
108         assumeSafeAppend(this.collect_buf);
109     }
111     /***************************************************************************
113         Collect stats from the data members of a struct or a class and prepare
114         them to be fetched upon the next call to `getCollection`. The
115         specifications of the format of the collected stats can be found at
116         `https://prometheus.io/docs/instrumenting/exposition_formats/`.
118         Params:
119             ValuesT = The struct or class type to fetch the stat names from.
120             values  = The struct or class to fetch stat values from.
122     ***************************************************************************/
124     public void collect ( ValuesT ) ( ValuesT values )
125     {
126         static assert (is(ValuesT == struct) || is(ValuesT == class),
127             "'values' parameter must be a struct or a class.");
129         StatFormatter.formatStats(values, this.collect_buf);
130     }
132     /***************************************************************************
134         Collect stats from the data members of a struct or a class, annotate
135         them with a given label name and value, and prepare them to be fetched
136         upon the next call to `getCollection`.
137         The specifications of the format of the collected stats can be found
138         at `https://prometheus.io/docs/instrumenting/exposition_formats/`.
140         Params:
141             LabelName = The name of the label to annotate the stats with.
142             ValuesT   = The struct or class type to fetch the stat names from.
143             LabelT    = The type of the label's value.
144             values    = The struct or class to fetch stat values from.
145             label_val = The label value to annotate the stats with.
147     ***************************************************************************/
149     public void collect ( istring LabelName, ValuesT, LabelT ) (
150         ValuesT values, LabelT label_val )
151     {
152         static assert (is(ValuesT == struct) || is(ValuesT == class),
153             "'values' parameter must be a struct or a class.");
155         StatFormatter.formatStats!(LabelName)(values, label_val,
156             this.collect_buf);
157     }
159     /***************************************************************************
161         Collect stats from the data members of a struct or a class, annotate
162         them with labels from the data members of another struct or class, and
163         prepare them to be fetched upon the next call to `getCollection`.
164         The specifications of the format of the collected stats can be found
165         at `https://prometheus.io/docs/instrumenting/exposition_formats/`.
167         Params:
168             ValuesT = The struct or class type to fetch the stat names from.
169             LabelsT = The struct or class type to fetch the label names from.
170             values  = The struct or class to fetch stat values from.
171             labels  = The struct or class holding the label values to annotate
172                       the stats with.
174     ***************************************************************************/
176     public void collect ( ValuesT, LabelsT ) ( ValuesT values, LabelsT labels )
177     {
178         static assert (is(ValuesT == struct) || is(ValuesT == class),
179             "'values' parameter must be a struct or a class.");
180         static assert (is(LabelsT == struct) || is(LabelsT == class),
181             "'labels' parameter must be a struct or a class.");
183         StatFormatter.formatStats(values, labels, this.collect_buf);
184     }
185 }
187 version (unittest)
188 {
189     import ocean.core.Test;
190     import ocean.meta.types.Qualifiers;
192     struct Statistics
193     {
194         ulong up_time_s;
195         size_t count;
196         float ratio;
197         double fraction;
198         real very_real;
200         // The following should not be collected as stats
201         int delegate ( int ) a_delegate;
202         void function ( ) a_function;
203     }
205     struct Labels
206     {
207         hash_t id;
208         cstring job;
209         float perf;
210     }
211 }
213 /// Test collecting populated stats, but without any label.
214 unittest
215 {
216     auto test_collector = new Collector();
217     test_collector.collect(Statistics(3600, 347, 3.14, 6.023, 0.43));
219     test!("==")(test_collector.getCollection(),
220         "up_time_s 3600\ncount 347\nratio 3.14\nfraction 6.023\n" ~
221         "very_real 0.43\n");
222 }
224 /// Test collecting populated stats with one label
225 unittest
226 {
227     auto test_collector = new Collector();
228     test_collector.collect!("id")(
229         Statistics(3600, 347, 3.14, 6.023, 0.43), 123.034);
231     test!("==")(test_collector.getCollection(),
232         "up_time_s {id=\"123.034\"} 3600\ncount {id=\"123.034\"} 347\n" ~
233         "ratio {id=\"123.034\"} 3.14\nfraction {id=\"123.034\"} 6.023\n" ~
234         "very_real {id=\"123.034\"} 0.43\n");
235 }
237 /// Test collecting stats having initial values with multiple labels
238 unittest
239 {
240     auto test_collector = new Collector();
241     test_collector.collect(Statistics(3600, 347, 3.14, 6.023, 0.43),
242         Labels(1_235_813, "ocean", 3.14159));
244     test!("==")(test_collector.getCollection(),
245         "up_time_s {id=\"1235813\",job=\"ocean\",perf=\"3.14159\"} 3600\n" ~
246         "count {id=\"1235813\",job=\"ocean\",perf=\"3.14159\"} 347\n" ~
247         "ratio {id=\"1235813\",job=\"ocean\",perf=\"3.14159\"} 3.14\n" ~
248         "fraction {id=\"1235813\",job=\"ocean\",perf=\"3.14159\"} 6.023\n" ~
249         "very_real {id=\"1235813\",job=\"ocean\",perf=\"3.14159\"} 0.43\n");
250 }
252 /// Test resetting collected stats
253 unittest
254 {
255     auto test_collector = new Collector();
256     test_collector.collect!("id")(Statistics.init, 123);
258     test!("==")(test_collector.getCollection(),
259         "up_time_s {id=\"123\"} 0\ncount {id=\"123\"} 0\n" ~
260         "ratio {id=\"123\"} 0\nfraction {id=\"123\"} 0\n" ~
261         "very_real {id=\"123\"} 0\n");
263     test_collector.reset();
265     test!("==")(test_collector.getCollection(), "");
266 }
268 // Test collecting stats having initial values, but without any label.
269 unittest
270 {
271     auto test_collector = new Collector();
272     test_collector.collect(Statistics.init);
274     test!("==")(test_collector.getCollection(),
275         "up_time_s 0\ncount 0\nratio 0\nfraction 0\nvery_real 0\n");
276 }
278 // Test collecting stats having initial values with one label
279 unittest
280 {
281     auto test_collector = new Collector();
282     test_collector.collect!("id")(Statistics.init, 123);
284     test!("==")(test_collector.getCollection(),
285         "up_time_s {id=\"123\"} 0\ncount {id=\"123\"} 0\n" ~
286         "ratio {id=\"123\"} 0\nfraction {id=\"123\"} 0\n" ~
287         "very_real {id=\"123\"} 0\n");
288 }
290 // Test collecting stats having initial values with multiple labels
291 unittest
292 {
293     auto test_collector = new Collector();
294     test_collector.collect(Statistics.init, Labels.init);
296     test!("==")(test_collector.getCollection(),
297         "up_time_s {id=\"0\",job=\"\",perf=\"0\"} 0\n" ~
298         "count {id=\"0\",job=\"\",perf=\"0\"} 0\n" ~
299         "ratio {id=\"0\",job=\"\",perf=\"0\"} 0\n" ~
300         "fraction {id=\"0\",job=\"\",perf=\"0\"} 0\n" ~
301         "very_real {id=\"0\",job=\"\",perf=\"0\"} 0\n");
302 }
304 // Test accumulation of collected stats
305 unittest
306 {
307     auto test_collector = new Collector();
308     test_collector.collect!("id")(Statistics.init, 123);
310     test!("==")(test_collector.getCollection(),
311         "up_time_s {id=\"123\"} 0\ncount {id=\"123\"} 0\n" ~
312         "ratio {id=\"123\"} 0\nfraction {id=\"123\"} 0\n" ~
313         "very_real {id=\"123\"} 0\n");
315     test_collector.collect!("id")(
316         Statistics(3600, 347, 3.14, 6.023, 0.43), 123.034);
318     test!("==")(test_collector.getCollection(),
319         "up_time_s {id=\"123\"} 0\ncount {id=\"123\"} 0\n" ~
320         "ratio {id=\"123\"} 0\nfraction {id=\"123\"} 0\n" ~
321         "very_real {id=\"123\"} 0\n" ~
323         "up_time_s {id=\"123.034\"} 3600\ncount {id=\"123.034\"} 347\n" ~
324         "ratio {id=\"123.034\"} 3.14\nfraction {id=\"123.034\"} 6.023\n" ~
325         "very_real {id=\"123.034\"} 0.43\n");
326 }