Transfer the content of another file to this one.
Create a new file.
Create a new directory.
Throw an exception using the last known error.
Throw an IO exception.
Is this a normal file?
Is this file actually a folder/directory?
Is this file writable?
Join a set of path specs together. A path separator is potentially inserted between each of the segments.
List the set of filenames within this folder.
Return an adjusted path such that non-empty instances always have a trailing separator.
Return an adjusted path such that non-empty instances always have a leading separator.
Remove the file/directory from the file-system.
Change the name or location of a file/directory.
Return an adjusted path such that non-empty instances do not have a trailing separator.
Append a terminating null onto a string, cheaply where feasible.
Return timestamp information.
Set the accessed and modified timestamps of the specified file.
Wraps the O/S specific calls with a D API. Note that these accept null-terminated strings only, which is why it's not public. We need this declared first to avoid forward-reference issues.