Abstract method called when the process has finished. Once this method has been called, it is guaraneteed that stdout() will not be called again.
Resumes the process if it has been suspended using the suspend() method. The stdout handler is reregistered with epoll.
Starts the process with the specified command and arguments. Registers the handlers for the process' stdout and stderr streams with epoll, so that notifications will be triggered when the process generates output. The command to execute is args_with_command[0].
Abstract method called when data is received from the process' stderr stream.
Abstract method called when data is received from the process' stdout stream.
Suspends the output of a process. This is achieved simply by unregistering its stdout handler from epoll. This will have the effect that the process will, at some point, reach the capacity of its stdout buffer, and will then pause until the buffer has been emptied.
Process being executed.
Posix process with epoll integration of output streams (stdout & stderr).