Base class for registrable client objects for the SelectDispatcher
Contains the three things that the SelectDispatcher needs:
1. the I/O device instance
2. the I/O events to register the device for
3. the event handler to invocate when an event occured for the device
In addition a subclass may override finalize(). When handle() returns false
or throws an Exception, the ISelectClient instance is unregistered from the
SelectDispatcher and finalize() is invoked.
Boost Software License Version 1.0. See LICENSE_BOOST.txt for details.
Alternatively, this file may be distributed under the terms of the Tango
3-Clause BSD License (see LICENSE_BSD.txt for details).
Base class for registrable client objects for the SelectDispatcher
Contains the three things that the SelectDispatcher needs: 1. the I/O device instance 2. the I/O events to register the device for 3. the event handler to invocate when an event occured for the device
In addition a subclass may override finalize(). When handle() returns false or throws an Exception, the ISelectClient instance is unregistered from the SelectDispatcher and finalize() is invoked.