Locate the next token from the provided buffer, and map a buffer reference into token. Returns true if a token was located, false otherwise.
Callback for iterator.next(). We scan for name-value pairs, populating Cookie instances along the way.
in-place conversion to lowercase
The pattern scanner, implemented via subclasses.
Set the provided stream as the scanning source.
Return the current token as a slice of the content.
Iterate over the set of tokens. This should really provide read-only access to the tokens, but D does not support that at this time.
Iterate over a set of tokens, exposing a token count starting at zero.
Iterate over a set of tokens and delimiters, exposing a token count starting at zero.
Locate the next token. Returns the token if found, null otherwise. Null indicates an end of stream condition. To sweep a conduit for lines using method next():
Set the content of the current slice to the provided start and end points.
Set the content of the current slice to the provided start and end points, and delimiter to the segment between end & next (inclusive.)
Called when a scanner fails to find a matching pattern. This may cause more content to be loaded, and a rescan initiated.
Invoked when a scanner matches a pattern. The provided value should be the index of the last element of the matching pattern, which is converted back to a void[] index.
See if set of characters holds a particular instance.
Server-side cookie parser. See RFC 2109 for details.