

If the server supports HTTP methods that expect a request message body (such as POST or PUT), set add_entity_headers to true to add the standard Entity header fields. (The standard General-Header and Request-Header fields are added automatically.)

Note that a non-zero value for msg_body_prealloc_length is only sensible when requests with a message body (POST, PUT etc.) are supported by this server.

  1. this(bool add_entity_headers, size_t msg_body_prealloc_length, uint uri_prealloc_length)
    class HttpRequest
    bool add_entity_headers = false
    uint uri_prealloc_length = 512
  2. this(size_t msg_body_prealloc_length)


add_entity_headers bool

set to true to add the standard Entity header fields as well

msg_body_prealloc_length size_t

expected message body length for preallocation;

uri_prealloc_length uint

the initial amount of memory the contained Uri object will be asked to pre-allocate to hold the URI-decoded URI of a request.
