Utility class to append a response message header line where the value is appended incrementally.
Usage in a HttpResponse subclass:
class MyHttpResponse : HttpResponse { protected override addHeaders ( AppendHeaderLines append ) { // append "Hello: World!\r\n" { // constructor appends "Hello: " scope inc_val = append.new IncrementalValue("Hello"); // append "Wor" ~ "ld!" inc_val.appendToValue("Wor"); inc_val.appendToValue("ld!"); // destructor appends "\r\n" } } }
Note: At most one instance may exist at a time per outer instance.
Constructor; opens a response message header line by appending name ~ ": " to the response message content.
Destructor; closes a response message header line by appending "\r\n" to the response message content.
Appends str to the header field value.
See Implementation
Utility class to append a response message header line where the value is appended incrementally.
Usage in a HttpResponse subclass:
Note: At most one instance may exist at a time per outer instance.