Cache class, caches raw data of either fixed or dynamic length
Wraps a cache for struct values. When a record cannot be found in the cache, an abstract method is called to look up the record in an external source.
Kept with "_slowtest" suffix because sleep is used to ensure cache invalidation timeout works.
Wraps a cache for struct values. When a record cannot be found in the cache, an abstract method is called to look up the record in an external source.
Kept with "_slowtest" suffix because sleep is used to ensure cache invalidation timeout works.
Cache with an element expiration facility.
Expiring (L)east (R)ecently (U)sed Cache.
(L)east (R)ecently (U)sed Cache class, Caches data items according to their access time and discards item that were least recently accessed.
Contains unit-tests for LRUCache class.
A priority cache which stores a limited amount of items defined at the instantiation tine of the class. When the cache is full and a new object is added the item with the least priority gets dropped.