
Mixin of the specialized iterator classes which inherit from BucketSet.Iterator.

This makes available three iterator classes that can be newed to allow certain iteration behaviors:

* Iterator — just a normal iterator * InterruptibleIterator — an iterator that can be interrupted and resumed, but that has to be manually reset with reset() if the iteration is meant to be repeated

If the map is modified between interrupted iterations, it can happen that new elements that were added in the mean time won't appear in the iteratation, depending on whether they end up in a bucket that was already iterated or not.

Iterator usage example

auto map = new HashMap!(size_t);

auto it = Iterator();

// A normal iteration over the map
foreach ( k, v; it )

// Equal to
foreach ( k, v; map )


auto map = new HashMap!(size_t);

auto interruptible_it = InterruptibleIterator();

// Iterate over the first 100k elements
foreach ( i, k, v; interruptible_it )
    // Break after 100k elements
    if ( i % 100_000 == 0 ) break;

// Iterate over the next 100k elments
foreach ( i, k, v; interruptible_it )
    // Break after 100k elements
    if ( i % 100_000 == 0 ) break;

// Assuming the map had 150k elements, the iteration is done now,
// so this won't do anything
foreach ( i, k, v; interruptible_it )
    // Break after 100k elements
    if ( i % 100_000 == 0 ) break;

assert ( interruptible_it.finished() == true );

See also: BucketSet.Iterator, MapIterator.IteratorClass
