Let x be an int variable to calculate the hash value from and result be the result variable:
int x; hash_t result = fnv1a_init;
fnv1aCode!("result", x.stringof, x.sizeof)
, where x.sizeof is 4, evaluates to
auto __x = cast(ubyte*)&x; result = (result ^ __x[0LU]) * 1099511628211LU; result = (result ^ __x[1LU]) * 1099511628211LU; result = (result ^ __x[2LU]) * 1099511628211LU; result = (result ^ __x[3LU]) * 1099511628211LU;
Evaluates to D code that implements the calculation of FNV1a of a variable named var with n bytes of size, storing the result in a variable named hashvar. The initial value of hashvar should be fnv1a_init or a previously calculated FNV1a hash.