
A UUID is a Universally Unique Identifier. It is a 128-bit number generated either randomly or according to some inscrutable algorithm, depending on the UUID version used.

Here, we implement a data structure for holding and formatting UUIDs. To generate a UUID, use one of the other modules in the UUID package. You can also create a UUID by parsing a string containing a textual representation of a UUID, or by providing the constituent bytes.



class RandomGen(TRandom)

Given a random number generator conforming to Tango's standard random * interface, this will generate random UUIDs according to version 4 of * RFC 4122.


void main()
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.


interface UuidGen

A base interface for any UUID generator for UUIDs. That is, this interface is specified so that you write your code dependent on a UUID generator that takes an arbitrary random source, and easily switch to a different random source. Since the default uses KISS, if you find yourself needing more secure random numbers, you could trivially switch your code to use the Mersenne twister, or some other PRNG.


struct Uuid

This struct represents a UUID. It offers static members for creating and parsing UUIDs.



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