Converter function alias definition
Converts UTF-32 input using convert_fn
Converts UTF-32 input using convert_fn
Converts UTF-32 content in-place using convert_fn
Converts UTF-32 input to lower case
Converts UTF-32 input to UTF-8 lower case
Converts UTF-32 content in-place to lower case
Converts UTF-32 input to title case
Converts UTF-32 input to UTF-8 title case
Converts UTF-32 content in-place to title case
Converts UTF-32 input to upper case
Converts UTF-32 input to UTF-8 upper case
Converts UTF-32 content in-place to upper case
Converts an UTF-8 character to UTF-32. If the input character is not valid or incomplete, a GUtf8Validation code is returned instead of the character.
Converts UTF-32 input to UTF-8
Converts an UTF-32 charachter to UTF-8
GlibUnicode structure