
Struct template to iterate over strings in variable encoding format (utf8, utf16, utf32), extracting one unicode character at a time. Each unicode character may be represented by one or more character in the input string, depending on the encoding format.

The struct takes a template parameter (pull_dchars) which determines whether its methods return unicode characters (utf32 - dchars) or characters in the same format as the source string.

The template also has an index operator, to extract the nth unicode character in the string, and methods and static methods for extracting single characters from a string of variable encoding.

Example usage:

import ocean.text.utf.UtfString;

char[] test = "test string";
UtfString!(char) utfstr = { test };

foreach ( width, i, c; utfstr )
    Stdout.formatln("Character {} is {} and it's {} wide", i, c, width);

There is also a utf_match function in the module, which compares two strings for equivalence, irrespective of whether they're in the same encoding or not.



bool utf_match(Char1[] str1, Char2[] str2)

Encoding agnostic string compare function.

Static variables

dchar InvalidUnicode;

Invalid unicode.


struct UtfString(Char = char, bool pull_dchars = false)

UtfString template struct


import ocean.text.utf.UtfString;

char[] str1 = "hello world ®"; // utf8 encoding
dchar[] str2 = "hello world ®"; // utf32 encoding

assert(utf_match(str1, str2));



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