1 /*******************************************************************************
3         Copyright:
4             Copyright (c) 2008. Fawzi Mohamed
5             Some parts copyright (c) 2009-2016 dunnhumby Germany GmbH.
6             All rights reserved.
8         License:
9             Tango Dual License: 3-Clause BSD License / Academic Free License v3.0.
10             See LICENSE_TANGO.txt for details.
12         Version: Initial release: July 2008
14         Authors: Fawzi Mohamed
16 *******************************************************************************/
17 module ocean.math.random.Ziggurat;
18 import ocean.math.Bracket:findRoot;
19 import ocean.math.Math:abs;
20 import ocean.math.ErrorFunction:erfc;
21 import ocean.meta.traits.Basic /* : isRealType */;
22 import ocean.meta.types.Arrays /* : StripAllArrays */;
23 import ocean.core.Verify;
25 /// ziggurat method for decreasing distributions.
26 /// Marsaglia, Tsang, Journal of Statistical Software, 2000
27 /// If has negative is true the distribution is assumed to be symmetric with respect to 0,
28 /// otherwise it is assumed to be from 0 to infinity.
29 /// Struct based to avoid extra indirection when wrapped in a class (and it should be wrapped
30 /// in a class and not used directly).
31 /// Call style initialization avoided on purpose (this is a big structure, you don't want to return it)
32 struct Ziggurat(RandG,T,alias probDensityF,alias tailGenerator,bool hasNegative=true){
33     static assert(isRealType!(T),T.stringof~" not acceptable, only floating point variables supported");
34     enum int nBlocks=256;
35     T[nBlocks+1] posBlock;
36     T[nBlocks+1] fVal;
37     RandG r;
38     alias Ziggurat SourceT;
39     /// initializes the ziggurat
40     static Ziggurat create(alias invProbDensityF, alias cumProbDensityFCompl)(RandG rGenerator,real xLast=-1.0L,bool check_error=true){
41         /// function to find xLast
42         real findXLast(real xLast){
43             real v=xLast*probDensityF(xLast)+cumProbDensityFCompl(xLast);
44             real fMax=probDensityF(0.0L);
45             real pAtt=xLast;
46             real fAtt=probDensityF(xLast);
47             for (int i=nBlocks-2;i!=0;--i){
48                 fAtt+=v/pAtt;
49                 if (fAtt>fMax) return fAtt+(i-1)*fMax;
50                 pAtt=invProbDensityF(fAtt);
51                 verify(pAtt>=0,"invProbDensityF is supposed to return positive values");
52             }
53             return fAtt+v/pAtt-fMax;
54         }
55         void findBracket(ref real xMin,ref real xMax){
56             real vMin=cumProbDensityFCompl(0.0L)/nBlocks;
57             real pAtt=0.0L;
58             for (int i=1;i<nBlocks;++i){
59                 pAtt+=vMin/probDensityF(pAtt);
60             }
61             real df=findXLast(pAtt);
62             if (df>0) {
63                 // (most likely)
64                 xMin=pAtt;
65                 real vMax=cumProbDensityFCompl(0.0L);
66                 xMax=pAtt+vMax/probDensityF(pAtt);
67             } else {
68                 xMax=pAtt;
69                 xMin=vMin/probDensityF(0.0L);
70             }
71         }
72         if (xLast<=0){
73             real xMin,xMax;
74             findBracket(xMin,xMax);
75             xLast=findRoot(&findXLast,xMin,xMax);
76             // printf("xLast:%La => %La\n",xLast,findXLast(xLast));
77         }
78         Ziggurat res;
79         with (res){
80             r=rGenerator;
81             real v=probDensityF(xLast)*xLast+cumProbDensityFCompl(xLast);
82             real pAtt=xLast;
83             real fMax=probDensityF(0.0L);
84             posBlock[1]=cast(T)xLast;
85             real fAtt=probDensityF(xLast);
86             fVal[1]=cast(T)fAtt;
87             for (int i=2;i<nBlocks;++i){
88                 fAtt+=v/pAtt;
89                 verify(fAtt<=fMax,"Ziggurat contruction shoot out");
90                 pAtt=invProbDensityF(fAtt);
91                 verify(pAtt>=0,"invProbDensityF is supposed to return positive values");
92                 posBlock[i]=cast(T)pAtt;
93                 fVal[i]=cast(T)fAtt;
94             }
95             posBlock[nBlocks]=0.0L;
96             fVal[nBlocks]=cast(T)probDensityF(0.0L);
97             real error=fAtt+v/pAtt-probDensityF(0.0L);
98             verify((!check_error) || error<real.epsilon*10000.0,"Ziggurat error larger than expected");
99             posBlock[0]=cast(T)(xLast*(1.0L+cumProbDensityFCompl(xLast)/probDensityF(xLast)));
100             fVal[0]=0.0L;
101             for (int i=0;i<nBlocks;++i){
102                 verify(posBlock[i]>=posBlock[i+1],"decresing posBlock");
103                 verify(fVal[i]<=fVal[i+1],"increasing probabilty density function");
104             }
105         }
106         return res;
107     }
108     /// returns a single value with the probability distribution of the current Ziggurat
109     /// and slightly worse randomness (in the normal case uses only 32 random bits).
110     /// Cannot be 0.
111     T getFastRandom()
112     {
113         static if (hasNegative){
114             for (int iter=1000;iter!=0;--iter)
115             {
116                 uint i0=r.uniform!(uint)();
117                 uint i=i0 & 0xFFU;
118                 enum T scaleF=(cast(T)1)/(cast(T)uint.max+1);
119                 T u= (cast(T)i0+cast(T)0.5)*scaleF;
120                 T x = posBlock[i]*u;
121                 if (x<posBlock[i+1]) return ((i0 & 0x100u)?x:-x);
122                 if (i == 0) return tailGenerator(r,posBlock[1],x<0);
123                 if ((cast(T)probDensityF(x))>fVal[i+1]+(fVal[i]-fVal[i+1])*((cast(T)r.uniform!(uint)+cast(T)0.5)*scaleF)) {
124                     return ((i0 & 0x100u)?x:-x);
125                 }
126             }
127         } else {
128             for (int iter=1000;iter!=0;--iter)
129             {
130                 uint i0=r.uniform!(uint);
131                 uint i= i0 & 0xFFU;
132                 enum T scaleF=(cast(T)1)/(cast(T)uint.max+1);
133                 T u= (cast(T)i0+cast(T)0.5)*scaleF;
134                 T x = posBlock[i]*u;
135                 if (x<posBlock[i+1]) return x;
136                 if (i == 0) return tailGenerator(r,posBlock[1]);
137                 if ((cast(T)probDensityF(x))>fVal[i+1]+(fVal[i]-fVal[i+1])*r.uniform!(T)) {
138                     return x;
139                 }
140             }
141         }
142         throw new Exception("max nr of iterations in Ziggurat, this should have probability<1.0e-1000");
143     }
144     /// returns a single value with the probability distribution of the current Ziggurat
145     T getRandom()
146     {
147         static if (hasNegative){
148             for (int iter=1000;iter!=0;--iter)
149             {
150                 uint i0 = r.uniform!(uint);
151                 uint i= i0 & 0xFF;
152                 T u = r.uniform!(T)();
153                 T x = posBlock[i]*u;
154                 if (x<posBlock[i+1]) return ((i0 & 0x100u)?x:-x);
155                 if (i == 0) return tailGenerator(r,posBlock[1],x<0);
156                 if ((cast(T)probDensityF(x))>fVal[i+1]+(fVal[i]-fVal[i+1])*r.uniform!(T)) {
157                     return ((i0 & 0x100u)?x:-x);
158                 }
159             }
160         } else {
161             for (int iter=1000;iter!=0;--iter)
162             {
163                 uint i=r.uniform!(ubyte);
164                 T u = r.uniform!(T)();
165                 T x = posBlock[i]*u;
166                 if (x<posBlock[i+1]) return x;
167                 if (i == 0) return tailGenerator(r,posBlock[1]);
168                 if ((cast(T)probDensityF(x))>fVal[i+1]+(fVal[i]-fVal[i+1])*r.uniform!(T)) {
169                     return x;
170                 }
171             }
172         }
173         throw new Exception("max nr of iterations in Ziggurat, this should have probability<1.0e-1000");
174     }
175     /// initializes the argument with the probability distribution given and returns it
176     /// for arrays this might potentially be faster than a naive loop
177     U randomize(U)(ref U a){
178         static if(is(U S:S[])){
179             size_t aL = a.length;
180             for (size_t i=0;i!=aL;++i){
181                 a[i]=cast(StripAllArrays!(U))getRandom();
182             }
183         } else {
184             a=cast(U)getRandom();
185         }
186         return a;
187     }
188     /// initializes the variable with the result of mapping op on the random numbers (of type T)
189     // unfortunately this (more efficent version) cannot use local delegates
190     template randomizeOp2(alias op){
191         U randomizeOp2(U)(ref U a){
192             static if(is(U S:S[])){
193                 alias StripAllArrays!(U) TT;
194                 uint aL=a.length;
195                 for (uint i=0;i!=aL;++i){
196                     static if(isComplexType!(TT)) {
197                         a[i]=cast(TT)(op(getRandom())+1i*op(getRandom()));
198                     } else static if (isImaginaryType!(TT)){
199                         a[i]=cast(TT)(1i*op(getRandom()));
200                     } else {
201                         a[i]=cast(TT)op(getRandom());
202                     }
203                 }
204             } else {
205                 static if(isComplexType!(U)) {
206                     a=cast(U)(op(getRandom())+1i*op(getRandom()));
207                 } else static if (isImaginaryType!(U)){
208                     el=cast(U)(1i*op(getRandom()));
209                 } else {
210                     a=cast(U)op(getRandom());
211                 }
212             }
213             return a;
214         }
215     }
216     /// initializes the variable with the result of mapping op on the random numbers (of type T)
217     U randomizeOp(U,S)(scope S delegate(T) op,ref U a){
218         static if(is(U S:S[])){
219             alias StripAllArrays!(U) TT;
220             size_t aL = a.length;
221             for (size_t i=0;i!=aL;++i){
222                 static if(isComplexType!(TT)) {
223                     a[i]=cast(TT)(op(getRandom())+1i*op(getRandom()));
224                 } else static if (isImaginaryType!(TT)){
225                     a[i]=cast(TT)(1i*op(getRandom()));
226                 } else {
227                     a[i]=cast(TT)op(getRandom());
228                 }
229             }
230         } else {
231             static if(isComplexType!(U)) {
232                 a=cast(U)(op(getRandom())+1i*op(getRandom()));
233             } else static if (isImaginaryType!(U)){
234                 el=cast(U)(1i*op(getRandom()));
235             } else {
236                 a=cast(U)op(getRandom());
237             }
238         }
239         return a;
240     }
242 }