
Template for a struct implementing a single bucket in a set (see ocean.util.container.map.model.BucketSet). A bucket contains a set of elements which can be added to, removed from and searched.

Each element in a bucket has a unique key with which it can be identified. The elements' key type is templated, but defaults to hash_t. A bucket can only contain one element with a given key - if a duplicate is added it will replace the original. The elements in the bucket are stored as a linked list, for easy removal and insertion.

Note that the bucket does not own its elements, these must be managed from the outside in a pool. The bucket itself simply keeps a pointer to the first element which it contains.

Two element structs exist in this module, one for a basic bucket element, and one for a bucket element which contains a value in addition to a key.

Usage: See ocean.util.container.map.model.BucketSet, ocean.util.container.map.HashMap & ocean.util.container.map.HashSet



char[] alignForSize(string[] names)

Order the provided members to minimize size while preserving alignment. Returns a declaration to be mixed in.


struct Bucket(size_t V, K = hash_t)

Template to be mixed in to a bucket element. Contains the shared core members of a bucket element.



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