
Base class for a bucket element allocator using malloc function bypassing the GC.

By default the class constructor checks the type of the Bucket elements (i.e, the values stored in the Map). If the element contains reference items (e.g class or an array) then on malloc allocations the class adds the elements to the GC scan range and removes them from the GC scan range on recycling.

This tracking of the objects can be explicitly disabled through passing the appropriate flag to the class constructor.

Warning :

Do not disable the tracking of the allocated elements except if the element if there is another reference to the GC allocated items elsewhere.

The following is a more detailed explanation about what's safe to store without GC tracking and what's unsafe.

If the elements stored in the map (i.e the struct or class you are storing) contains a GC managed memory item and the single reference to this memory is only in this malloc-based map then the GC will collect this data as no other GC object is referencing it. Once collected you will end up with segmentation fault when you to access this non-used memory address.

For example, consider that what you are storing in the map is the following :

struct S
    statuc class C

    statuc struct S2
        float x, y;

    int a; // Not a problem
    S2 s2; // Not a problem, S2 doesn't contain GC allocated memory.

    int[] arr; // Problem: Arrays memory are managed by the GC
    Class c; // Problem: class C is tracked by the GC.

    static S opCall()
        S s;
        s.c = new C();
        return s;

This reference items doesn't have to be added to the GC scan list if it has another reference in the GC (e.g when another reference exists in a pool).

For example:

struct GCTrackedObject
    int[] arr;

static StructPool!(GCTrackedObject) arr_pool; // Tracked by GC

struct S
    // Same code as above

    ObjectPool!(C) c_pool; // Tracked by GC
    static S opCall()
        S s;
        s.c = c_pool.get();
        auto gc_tracked_object = arr_pool.get();
        s.arr = gc_tracked_object.arr;
        return s;

    // TODO: Recycle the struct and object again to their pools
    // again when this S struct item is removed from malloc map.



class BucketElementMallocAllocator(Bucket)

Implements a malloc based BucketElement Allactor.


BucketElementMallocAllocator!(Map.Bucket) instantiateAllocator(bool attempt_gc_track)

Returns a new instance of type BucketElementMallocAllocator suitable to be used with the Map passed as template parameter.



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