
Template for a class implementing a set of buckets containing elements indexed by unique keys. The bucket set contains both a set of buckets and a pool of bucket elements. The bucket elements are structured as linked lists, thus each bucket simply contains a pointer to its first element.

The number of buckets in the set is always a power of 2. In this way the getBucket() method, which determines which bucket is responsible for a key, can use a simple bit mask instead of a modulo operation, leading to greater efficiency.

The method of bucket element allocation and pool management can be customised by passing a custom IAllocator implementation to the constructor. The default implementation--the BucketSet.FreeBuckets class--uses 'new Bucket.Element' for allocation and manages the pool as a linked list of bucket elements. Possible alternative implementations include leaving the pool management up to an external memory manager such as the D or C runtime library using 'new'/'delete' or malloc()/free(), respectively. Also, if the maximum number of elements in the map is known in advance, all elements can be preallocated in a row.

Usage: See ocean.util.container.map.HashMap & ocean.util.container.map.HashSet



class BucketSet(size_t V, K = hash_t)

Bucket set class template.

class IBucketSet

Generic BucketSet base class



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